

Fossasia Labyrinth

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Let's start

You'll see the base room with doors on it's walls. Notice the red and grey tile, there are 4 doors/openings on 4 walls.

Step 1


Press the upward arrow button for go to room above the current room (precisely, top left corner of your screen or north-west direction taking north towards the top of your screen)

Step 2


Now you can see another block/room. Also see that the color difference of the tiles. The bring red shows the current (red) active tile and the dark (black) tile shows the rest of tiles. Let's move a bit towards right now press right arrow

Step 3


We can see the tiles to the right (top-right precisely). We can see the doors towards all sides/walls of the room/block. so let's move more in the game.

Step 4


We can see that there's no tile towards the top, so now we cannot move more in that direction. Let's go about making a complete grid. Do you see a way now too ? There is still an open door to explore!

Step 5 Step 6

All done!

Now it's your turn to explore, you can also contribute & create your own tiles.

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